

Monday, October 24, 2011

Bali fabrics Stores Address

Some of my blogger friends asking me where I buy Bali fabrics.
Below are some stores where to buy Bali fabrics.

Maju Stores,
Jl. Sulawesi No. 19, Denpasar.
Phone No. 0361 224003.
Contact person: Mr. Helmi 0811389074

Dewi Mas Stores
Jl. Gajah Mada No. 48, Denpasar. not far from Jl. Sulawesi (Maju Stores)
Phone No. 0361 236707
Contact person: Mrs. Tatit 0818346924


Trudi Bee said...

Thank you for this very helpful comment about a good fabric shop in Jalan Sulawesi. As I am only in Bali for a week from Australia, I went there and went straight to No 19 Jalan Suluwesi - and found exactly what I wanted. You saved me heaps of time - I only wish I could have taken more fabric home with me.

And there was also an amazing Balinese cultural event at the temple that's on the corner of the market opposite - there was a cremation taking place complete with gamalan orchestra. What a fantastic day.

endah lestari said...

Hi Trudi...
I am happy helping you...
I am glad that you like our Balinese tradition and the the culture.We really proud of our Bali.

I usually get Bali fabrics from my friend who get there or via telephone with the owners.

Laura said...

bagus. :) saya mau ke sana bulan depan. moga2 bisa dapat kain bagus. :)

ernasapto said...

mbak Endah.... ada emailnya gak ? utk beli batik bali ini ? ato ada web nya gitu ???

salam kenal ya mbak.. aku juga murid bu Nisa... cuma basic doang,maklum jauh.... hehe

endah lestari said...

@Laura : sipp...mudah2an dpt kain2 yg bagus ya mbak.. Happy hunting!!

@Ernasapto: mba Erna....salam kenal. Sy suka lihat hasil kreasi mba..di fb dan diblognya. Sy ijin masukkan blognya ke list blogku ya...
Ternyata mba Erna jg pernah kursus dgn bu Nisa ya...satu almamater kitah :))
Toko bahan Bali ini gak ada webnya mba..sy kontak biasanya lwt tlp atau order bareng2 sm temen2 biar jatuhnya bs lbh murah..:))
Maaf ga byk membantu...

wardah said...

salam kenal,

saya wardah dari banda aceh...mau nanya tentang kain batik bali dari katun buat patchwork...
kain batik balinya berapa harganya ya?
bagaimana cara memilihnya bila tidak ada website...

makasih ya

endah lestari said...

Salam kenal balik mba Wardah..
Harga batik Bali bervariasi mba.. Sekitar 35-50 rb permeter. Saya biasanya pesan berbarengan dgn bbrp teman shg harganya bisa lebih murah.
Biasanya saat saya akan membeli, saya kirim sms terlebih dahulu lalu si penjual akan mengirimkan sample bbrp motif bahannya via pos. dari sample itu ada kode2 yg dpt kita pilih sesuai keinginan kita..
Selamat belanja batik bali yaaa...

roslyn said...

Hi Trudi, I spent 3 months in Bali....a lot of it with quilting friends at Madju's. I need to email him but cant find his business card . Do you have his email address please?
Roslyn rmlambert1234@gmail.com
Thanking you in anticipation